
Monday, December 17, 2012

Dapatkan kulit yang halus dan putih berseri dengan mengamalkan Vitamin C Plus Marine Collagen dari Felinna Beauty

Selain daripada lotion Inch Loss yang tengah hot kebabooomm kat pasaran online sekarang, Felinna Beauty ada satu lagi produk bermutu iaitu Vitamin C Plus Marine Collagen (PCMVC). PCMVC memang tengah hangat macam goreng pisang sekarang sehinggakan pihak Felinna Marketing sendiri tak sempat nak bekalkan stok kepada stokis-stokis mereka. Ramailah orang yang mengeluh dengan keadaan ini. Tapi nasib baiklah stokis saya ada stok yang cukup sampai tahun depan. Oh ya saya pun baru start amalkan mengambil PCMVC ini. Baru je habiskan sepapan which mean 10 biji. Baru 5 hari makan dah nampak kesannya tau. Kulit jadi glowing je. I ols suka sangat!!

Maklumat Produk

1 Box : 30 BIJI KAPSUL
  Cara Pengambilan / pemakanan: 
Minum Air putih at least 2-3 liter sehari
Detail Product: *5000mg with extra collagen
Gabungan mantap antara PF,Vitamin C.& IQR 1000mg
*sesuai diambil oleh wanita mengandung dan menyusukan*

No. Pendaftaran KKM : ULUKM/1542/12
No. Pendaftaran Halal : 150127-PR

RM 85 + Free Postage
 RM 90 + Free Postage (SS)

Hubungi talian berikut untuk tempahan;-

whatsapp/call: 019-9364615
sms/call: 017-7710610
BBM pin: 22E8137E

Antara kelebihan dan khasiat pengambilan Vitamin C

· Menghaluskan & melicinkan kulit secara menyeluruh
· Mengecilkan pori2 kulit
· Menaikkan seri muka
· Memberikan tona kulit yang sekata & cerah (seluruh badan)
· Melembabkan kulit secara menyeluruh
· Memulihkan rekahan pada tumit kaki & siku
· Merawat masalah jerawat di muka & badan
· Merawat masalah jeragat
· Melindungi daripada pembekuan darah & lebam
· Mengurangkan parut jerawat & kesan luka
· Diperlukan untuk pertumbuhan & pembaikan tisu
· Meningkatkan imuniti badan, kurangkan jangkitan selsema  
· Membantu mengurangkan gejala gejala alergi
· Meningkatkan penglihatan
· Membantu tubuh menyerap zat besi yang lebih
· Membantu system penghadaman
· Mampu mencerahkan bahagian2 gelap di celah celah bahagian badan (ketiak, peha dll)
· Amat sesuai bagi yang mengalami masalah resdung

Khasiat Gluta dan Pure Marine Collagen

- Melaraskan BERAT BADAN dan HORMON
- Peningkatan PAYUDARA
- Anti-bakteria, membuang TOKSIN
- Menghilangkan SEMBELIT
- Mengurangkan tekanan darah tinggi dan hypotension
- Memulihara sel-sel kulit mati (JERAWAT)
- Menormalkan fungsi kelenjar tiroid Memperbaiki masalah KULIT dan RAMBUT
- Membantu meningkatkan METABOLISME
- Meningkatkan fungsi stomatch Membantu menghapuskan nefritis, Artritis, basal
- Menguatkan saluran darah, meningkatkan penyakit sendi, kecacatan kolagen
- Meningkatkan PEREDARAN DARAH, dingin dan mencegah sakit bahu
- Berkesan bagi orang-orang yang telah sarcoma atau TUMOR
- SLIM UP abdomen dan PUNGGUNG anda, melembutkan kulit dan mengurangkan sakit pinggang
- Mencegah ANEMIA
- Mengisi rawan antara sendi, menguatkan tulang, sinews dan ligamen serta lebih rendah sakit belakang dan sebagainya





RM 136 (W/M)

RM 140 (E/M)





Tips Guna Felinna Inchloss Untuk Runcingkan Muka.

Runcing tak I ols sekarang??? Ngeh3x...nan hadooo lah runcingnya kan...idok ler runcing tapi double chin dah makin hilang!

One of my friend who was also using Inch Loss at her chin. Looks for the difference!

How to get rid of  double chin using Inch Loss?

Senang jer....ikuti langkah-langkah berikut!

1) Lepas cuci muka keringkan muka anda then picit sikit sahaja ya. Jangan banyak

2) Sapu Inch Loss start dari double chin putar-putar naik ke atas secara perlahan. Amik masa sikit dalam 5-10 min untuk dia meresap.

3) Sapu ke kawasan yg tak puas hati insyaAllah dalam masa 2 ke 3 jam rasa beza tu...tapi terpulang pada orang gak yer. Tak payah cuci dah, biarkan je dia membakar lemak anda.

So, that's it! 3 langkah mudah untuk menghilangkan double chin atau dagu berlapis anda.

Good luck!!!

whatsapp/call: 019-9364615
sms/call: 017-7710610
BBM pin: 22E8137E

Tips kurus laju-laju dengan sapuan lotion Inch Loss dari Felinna Beauty!

Alhamdulillah, ramai yang repeat order dan memberikan feedback positive tentang lotion ini. Memang sangat bagus pun!!!, ramai yang masih tak tahu cara-cara nak sapu or bila waktu yang sesuai untuk sapu lotion ini. Jadi, sini ada tips sikit tentang bagaimana nak dapatkan kesan yang cepat dengan hanya menggunakan Inch Loss. Suka untuk mengingatkan bahawa kesan mungkin berbeza depends on individuals. Ada yang call saya cakap dah boleh rasa perubahan dengan hanya sekali sapuan pun ada tau! Saya nak nasihat sikit, memang adatlah nama pun lotion bakar lemak. So, what  do u expect with the word 'bakar'? mestilah ada rasa panas sikitkan...Logiklah sikit, kalau tak panas then how nak bagi lemak tu terbakar? So, bergantung atas portion sapuan anda. If anda rasa tempat tu banyak lemak seperti perut, peha, lengan..letak la banyak sikit. Tapi mula-mula ni saya nasihatkan letak sikit je dulu. You kena pandai-pandai adjust. If tak rasa panas esok you kena letak banyak sikit. Then bila dah lama-lama pakai you sendiri akan tahu banyak mana nak sapu pada certain-certain part. Tahap kepanasan pulak, takde lagi yang pakai Inch Loss ni cakap panas macam nak terjun kolam ke hape. Bagi saya pulak, panas dia, panas yang boleh diterima. Lagi panas lotion Mustajab rasanya! Suria Secret pun sama! Mula-mula pakai tu sejuk berangin je rasa. Kesan panasnya akan bermula selepas 10-15 minit. So, panas dia sekejap je! Tahanlah...nak kurus kan???

Ok, berikut merupakan tips untuk kurus laju-laju dengan Inch Loss

1) Sapu selepas mandi ke seluruh badan. (Sangat disarankan sebab lepas mandi tubuh kita bebas dari segala debu dan habuk. So, lotion akan menyerap dengan cepat ke kulit kita)

2) Setiap kali lepas makan agak-agak 30minit makanan dah masuk perut terus sapu Inch Loss di perut, ikut arah lawan jam,sapu agak-agak 5 minit sebab nak bagi lemak yg kita makan tu lagi cepat terbakar.

3) Rajinkan diri berjalan atau paling mudah pergi window shopping. Dan...jangan lupa banyakkan minum air masak.

4) Selepas mandi malam around pukul 6-7 pm tu sapu lagi seluruh badan, then malam nak tido sapu kat perut sahaja supaya masa tidur dia bakar lemak. Esok confirm bangun awal sebab nak 'membuang'. Hihihi...

5) Selamat bagi ibu menyusu, mengandung dan kanak-kanak atas 6 tahun. Tapi  janganlah sapu kat kanak-kanak nak suruh kurus tapi kalau batuk ke, bole guna jadi macam vicks letak kat dada atau kat ibu bapa warga emas yang lenguh-lenguh badan atau sakit urat. Cubalah!

Testimoni yang saya dapat dari customer!!!

okay jangan lupa untu dapatkan Felinna Inch Loss dari saya!!!

whatsapp/call: 019-9364615
sms/call: 017-7710610
BBM pin: 22E8137E

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Kembali dengan barangan hangat!!

Lama blog ini saya tinggalkan. Ada je tak kemana pun, cuma lately ni tersangatlah sibuk dengan komitmen-komitmen yang datang secara tiba-tiba. Echewwah padahalllllll memang MALAS pun nak menaip. Eh! terasa janggal sekali ..bila lama sangat tak menaip di blog. Last post bulan Julai hari tu. Kiranya dah dekat 4 bulan tak update apa-apa. Hurmm...rindu!

Apa barangan hangat yang nak dikongsi bersama tu? Ahaah..kita bagi sneak peak je dulu boleh? Hamboihh nak ber'sneakpeak' bagai kan..macamlah glemer mengalahkan retiss..ohh

Ada dua barangan hangat yang saya nak kongsi di sini.


Kekdahnya letak gambar sendiri..Ehh ini bukan barang dagangan tahu!! 

Haaa Tunggguuuu!!!


Lagi....motip please? Gambar muka sendiri puloks.

Haaa tungguuuu!!!

Till we meet again. 

Monday, July 16, 2012


Alhamdulillah. I was so lucky to have such a wonderful parents. Supporting me through thick and thin also guiding and teaching me throughout my life. They will try their best to fullfil my every wishes. They fullfil everything indeed. Thanks Abah Umi for every single thing that you  gave and provided.
I remembered last year somewhere in June they gave me a new laptop. I considered it as my birthday present. 3 days ago they gave me samsung note. I was extremely happy. Nothing can describe my feeling. This was due to my missing blackberry. I pleaded Abah once but I actually doesn't really matter if he refuse to. I was not serious though at that time. I know abah will not consider for expensive gadget. Waste of money he told me.
The way he bought me this gadget was so special. I will remember the moment until my last breath. As usual, every friday night my parents and I will visiting abah's hometown at Pasir Pekan. On the way down there, abah asked me to stop by KB Mall for a while. He told me that he wants to buy some stuff. I insisted not to enter the mall and just want to wait in the car because I was wearing only an old white T-shirt. But, he dragged me all along. Haha first he went to samsung stall and I was like Note kah? I acted cool. Cool babe dont show your excitedness. Umi said she just want to have a look how the Note is. I smiled. Hehehehe.
Very unexpectedly Abah actually bringing the money already. He asked me to choose what colour i want. Heh...heh..apakah? Without any hesisation i chose pink karer..huhu. After the payment was made we walked back to the car. I still cant believe that I was holding a Note. Eh very unexpected. That was the happiest night of my life. Hurmmmm... Love u abah umi..mmmuahhh!!!

Wednesday, July 04, 2012

Video pra-perkahwinan dan akad nikah Irma Hasmee dan Redza Shah

I seriously kagum dan terpesona dengan ketampanan suami Irma Hasmee iaitu pemilik nama Redza Syah ni. Eh!

Tak..memang kagum sebab beliau sangat tampan di mata saya. Apa kurangnya Irma Hasmee kan? Dia pun sangat gorgeous. Memang beruntunglah kedua-dua insan ini. Sudahlah tu bertemu jodoh pun di kota suci Mekah. Sweet sangat. Inilah yang dikatakan jodoh dari Allah. Semoga kedua-dua insan ini kekal bahagia hingga ke akhir hayat hendaknya. Memang padan sangat mereka ni. Nanti kalau dapat anak mesti comel ikut mak ayah diorang nih. Jom layan video pernikahan mereka yang ohsem ni.

Video pra-pernikahan yang menceritakan detik pertemuan mereka.
Ini pula video di hari pernikahan mereka. Sangat menawan qalbu!

Sunday, July 01, 2012

Mint green and pink.

My theme maybe?

The Marriage

This entry is specially dedicated to my bestest bestriend, Adibah who recently just got married to Mr. Hisyam. Her beloved fiance. She was extremely gorgeous on her wedding day. Adibah, a friend who I'd  share every little secret with. Finally married on the last 1st of June 2012 after being engaged for about 9 months.

 This might be Hisyam's happiest moment :)
Right after akad was done

I was mesmerized by the 'par hantaran' ( I don't know what it means in english. LOL. Sorry!) from Hisyam to Diba. It was custom made by Hisyam's brother in-law. So damn creative!! Made up of acrylite. You gotta love it. The theme was the display goods in shopping mall. It was the coolest par I have ever seen.

The reception


A bit jealous cause just received a good news from her. *she's became a mommy soon*
too soon eh? haha 
mantap mung Diba

Congratulation sayang :)

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Cutest Pet : May I say Monkey?

I was like, why are they really cute? You know, they are wonderful creatures. I love Monkeys. Why? Don't ask me why because I don't have answers for that. I just LOVE them very much. Since I am the only children to my parents, I have no one to talk to, to share my problem with other than my parents. You know what I mean. SIBLINGS. Sometime I wonder how it would be like if I have siblings. I would love to have brothers and sisters around me. But by saying this, it doesn't mean that I talk with monkeys. Haha I still sane enough though.

Its ordinary thing to have a cat as pet but a monkey? I believe many of peeps out there scared of this thing. Hehe as you guys thought it might attack you. But you know they are really cute? I mean, very very very cute. I would like to adopt one but my father didn't allow me to. Sad :(

My neighbour has 4 monkeys. I love to play with them every evening. Just by sitting in front of them watching them play make me feel calm. Sometimes, I didn't notice time passing by for hours just watching them plays with each other. They were so funny and hilarious. Teasing each other. Let me introduce them.

the biggest one. Age 40 something I guess

the naughty one.

the weirdo. Haha really, she's very weird

 the cutest baby monkey

Aren't they cute hoh?

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Routine as a full time driver

Abah can't drive anymore due to his health condition. Since then, I took care of everything. I drove my parents whenever there wanted to go. My mother can drive too but she ain't got driving licence. So, here I am, a full time driver to my parents :)

Today, I had to send my mother and granny to Kota Bharu settling down some business at 'Pejabat Tanah Jajahan Kota Bharu'. Regarding to our new house anyway :) I hope everything will be at ease. Amin

On my way back after settling everything

I just arrived at home when I received a parcel. Apparently it is my birthday gift. Smile smile smile plus big grin on my face :)

Oh my GUCCI. Thanks SAYANG 

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Pavlova on my birthday celebration

So nice ah the feeling ah after having 2 pavlovas. Gonna show you ah..

with my beloved mother

my uncle just got back from mosque. He said the pavlova taste so good and he even wants me to order it for him :) 
looking yummy haa?

I was so full last night and went to bed with a smiley face. My mother bought 2 pavlovas just to feed me kononnya for my birthday celebration. (Told you family is the best over anything else :p). Celebration lah sangat. haha Just hold a small makan-makan with my family at my granny's house. I always wanted to eat pavlova and last night was my first time trying it. Can't deny it was so delicious. I love it. Gonna have it again some other day. :)

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

My Skincare Routine

I have such an oily type of skin. Very oily to the max. I've tried so many skincare products. From expensive one to cheaper one. Different type of brands you name it, Safi, Garnier, Simplyciti, Oxy, Eucerin and the most expensive one I bought from SASA, Dr. Gawoonsaseng or famously known as Dr. G. I also have acne problem. urghhh I hetchu ACNE. None of the products mentioned above works on my skin. Maybe OXY and Simplysiti was quite working but only for short term. My skin tend to be dull and dark. Tell me who on earth wants dull and dark skin? Tell me tell me. Everybodies doesn't want it.

Sekarang tidak lagi..Alhamdulillah. Who knows only cheap products can solve my skin problem. Haha no need to spend hundreds on buying unworthy skincare products. skin was very terribly dull and dark

Can u see the different?

This is the latest picture which I snap in the middle of writing this entry  using my webcam. Of course there still got blemishes (It's my time of the month though, I can't avoid it :p). A little bit improvement I saw in there which is my skin became a bit brighter than before. This is raw face of mine without any make-up on. Oh I noticed another thing, my acne scars faded away too. 

Wanna know what my secret is? Tadaaa..

1) Currently I am using 'PAPAYA' soap (RM3.50). Alaa sabun betik yang famous tu. I have my own way using this soap. Biasanya orang akan potong kecik-kecik then  put it in a container. A bit lecehlah for me kalau nak buat macam tu. So, what I did was cutting the soap into small pieces. Melted it into water in a container like this. (See below)

Liquid soap will last longer compare to solid cube

So, when I wanna use it I just pour it into my palm just like other liquid cleanser. Furthermore, it can keeps your soap stay hygienic. You know if you use it in the solid cube state, could be dust will contaminates  it when you forgot to seal the container.

2) Then, my custom made scrub that was made up from rice.

It was easier to make. It only takes less then 30 minutes to prepare. First, fry the rice in the frying pan without using anything. Just fry the rice alone until it become white in colour. Then, let the rice cold for about 20 minutes or put it under a fan to make it cools faster. After that, ground the rice until it turns powder like. DONE! Use it whenever you wanted to. Recommended to use 3 times a week. As a result, your skin would be brighter than usual. It also helps to remove impurities and acne.

3)  I used Temulawak for day and night cream (RM 8.++).

I used this upon recommendation from a friend. Twice a day. It also helps brighten up your skin.

4) For blemishes and acne I use Nixoderm (RM8.90) and Dalacin T (RM45 if you buy it form other pharmacy, I bought it only RM37 from Guardian's pharmacy).


Nixoderm really works good and react well with my acne. It only takes a day to treat my  acne. I usually use it at night. So does Dalacin T, its working great on my skin. I dab Dalacin T on acne in the morning before I put Temulawak cream and whenever required.

So, that was my skincare routine. I wouldn't want to suggest to any of you to follow my routine because you know we have different type of blood and the result may differ according to our blood type. Just sharing! :)

For those who has oily prone skin and acne problem maybe may follow my skincare routine. IF you wanna try your luck. Maybe it works for you too. :)

Monday, June 25, 2012

Multiple kenduri kahwin rakan taulan kenduri sendiri belum lagi or should I address weddings marathon?

Haa semput tak semput baca title post baru ni. Ini menunjukkan betapa ramainya rakan taulan yang dah pun melangsungkan perkahwinan. Cuti sekolah bermula maka ramailah yang save the date. Envy much? Silalah envy dengan mereka sebab saya sendiri pun envy sangat-sangat. Entry banyak gambar pun sesuai juga nak gelarkan post ni. Tanpa melengahkan masa jom layan gambar-gambar wedding rakan taulan mengikut urutan. urghh urutan? ke turutan? apa-apa jelah. zaaaaassss here it goes

28.04.2012 Dr. Mimi & Azry Hafriz's Wedding

Kedua-dua mereka ni my ex-schoolmate masa kat Kuala Berang. Azry was our senior. Ehemm tak sangka ke jinjang pelamin jugak akhirnya mereka ni. Congratulation for both of you!

she's gorgeous isn't she?

26.05.2012 Fatin aka Tomang & Fakarul's Wedding

One of my ex-schoolmate from MRSM Kuala Berang. The wedding was held in her hometown, Besut.  Went there with my bestfriend who came and stayed at my place to attend my other friend's wedding the next day. My dearest Ida Natasha.

Pelamin yang sangat indah. Win

27.05.2012 Nadia Fariza & Zulhilmi's Wedding

She was my ex-schoolmate back in 2001-2003 masa kitorang study sama-sama di MRSM YT-Besut. Pernah rapat waktu form 1. She is such a sweetheart. Lembut je orangnya boleh dikatakan she is the type of what men want. Untunglah suaminya En. Hilmi. :) Dahla lawa kiranya pernah jadi rebutanlah waktu sekolah dulu.

2 in 1 event di mana bukan saja wedding reception malah reunion kecil-kecilan warga YT-Besut. I am so happy that day met up with all long lost friends. About 9 years terpisah and berkumpul semula  kat majlis kahwin Nadia. Sweet kan. :)

I believes ni semua art works Nadia sebab dia memang kreatif sejak dibangku sekolah lagi. So sweet Nadia :)

Semoga perkahwinan ini diberkati Allah
Semoga kalian berdua dikurniakan anak-anak yang soleh

Next, on the same day was my other friend's wedding. 

Wirdanis & Azizi

She was my classmate, 5 Filasuf back then in MRSM Kuala Berang. She's hilarious. Sumpah sangat kelakar disebalik raut wajah yang ayu.  Dia nampak gorgeous sangat on her wedding day. Merah menyala.

The stunning Wirdanis with the poyo photographer at the back. Poyo giler mamat tuh. huh

31.05.2012 Farizatullaini & Arizane's Wedding

My babe in varsity. My classmate, my part time roomate and bedmate. She was the one who told me that she didn't even wanna think about marriage. Tup tup..tau tau je dahh nak kahwin. But they only nikah khitbah (nikah gantung). Dia buat majlis kecil je just for the akad. And only close friend and relatives were invited.

02.06.2012 Adibah & Hisyam's Wedding

My bestest bestfriend or shall i address my closest babe. My sayangness and my everything. Boleh imagine tak bila teman paling rapat dah kahwin mendahului kita? oooowww the feeling is no good at all. Happy for her but sedih pun ada jugak. Bercampur baur. Feeling sangat. I went for her solemnization a day before her reception. You know, the feeling when the bride and her farther started to cry. Ahh I can't stand all that. I almost cry too.

 She looks like Nina Jureen in here :)

trying to hold back her happy tears

So, thats all for now. Gonna up another entry for Adibah's reception. So many things I wanna show here. Her 'par hantaran' was the coolest I've ever seen. You gotta love it. Wait. Tadaa

It take me 2 days to finish up writing this entry. blurghhh :p